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10 best herbal remedies to control diabetes

10 Best Herbal Remedies to Control Diabetes

10 Best Herbal Remedies to Control Diabetes: Here we share here 10 best herbal remedies to control diabetes.  National Library of Medicine  says People around the world suffer from diabetes because their bodies cannot produce enough insulin or use it effectively, leading to high blood sugar levels.  Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions…

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15 best foods to lower cholesterol

15 Best Foods To Lower Cholesterol

15 Best Foods To Lower Cholesterol: 15 best foods to lower cholesterol are among the two lipoproteins in the bloodstream, cholesterol is a waxy substance that is found mostly in the form of low density lipoproteins(LDL) and High Density Lipoproteins (HDL).  A high level of HDL, cholesterol or “good” cholesterol, helps to remove cholesterol from…

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